Allie was the big winner in the 2024 Halloween Clue Contest. She had a total of 57 correct answers with 40 of those being the first to find the clue. Allie accumulated 68 total points despite having 44 wrong answers and using 15 hints. There were only 58 clues found. So Allie found everyone of the found clues but one. The only one I think she missed was the Light Up Bee Hive, which only Terri got.

User Name Correct First Wrongs Hints Points
Allie 17 40 44 15 68
Emily 16 5 5 2 51
Libby  35 9 40 3 49
Terri  34 1 31 0 43
Sam H 1 0 0 0 3
David 2 2 6 3 -3
Adrian 21 1 41 0 -16
There were two issue on the night. The first technical, the second volume. The technical issue was a mistake on my part. The query that looks for whether a clue has been answered or not did include a search for the USER ID, which meant it only cleared your screen when you answered the question. It did not go away from everyone elses. But you all figured that out before hand.

The second issue was the volume of clues. 100 might be a bit much. After some analysis, I think there were 83 total clues. Still a bit much. You can see all the clues, what the item was and who go it first.

A suggestion for next year was to do teams. The program would already support this.
Other suggestions included better detail on the outside map as it was a bit disorienting. A running scoreboard and / or progress bar to show how far into the clues you are.