Clue Item First
My village is small but theres a job to do, I'll brighten your path with a pumpkin or two(1) Pumpkin lighter figure Libby
My namesakes are common on this holiday, but I simply device to unlock doors.(2) Skelton Key Libby
I have a face, and it is fine. But have no hands to tell you time.(3) Foyer Clock Allie
What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?(4) Frostbite Libby
Jolly Roger(5) Pirate Flag Allie
Where are we going today, ____?(6) Map Allie
Blue Skidoos and you can too(7) Blue's clues figure and frame Allie
A model of bricks I am made
Once I was built on this shelf I have stayed
Designed as part of a Video game
They call me the Long-Neck
It’s my mechanical name
Long Neck Lego Model David
What do you have to do to make Beetlejuice appear?(9) Speak his name three times Emily
I visit from worlds afar, from jupitiar to mars, out of this world visitor, from the stars.(10) UFO Libby
So far as relatives go, he's avant guard with his hair choice(11) Cousin It David
If im bad luck then why do I have nine lives? I sit watching wreathed in flame.(12) Shadow Cat in corner Libby
When a good spud turns to the dark side(13) Darth Tater Allie
Not as scary as I look
and willing to be trained
Neither of night nor full of fury
I'm docile and I'm tamed.(14)
Toothless Emily
Why is the cemetary the best place to write a book?(15) So many plots Allie
Giant Flesh Eating Plant(16) Giant Flesh Eating Plant Allie
Where does the quote "Double, double toil and trouble" come from?(17) Shakespeare's MacBeth Libby
I never thought it was such a bad little tree. It's not bad at all, really. Maybe it just needs a little love.(18) Charlie Brown Christmas Tree Allie
Wrapped in foil
and under the bonnet
These are the best hot dogs
dawg gone it.(19)
Motor Wienies Libby
Where is the real Transylvania located?(20) Romania Allie
While full size me
is looking fine
I keep watch
from my shrine.(21)
Elvis Gnome Adrian
Bishop 4643(22) House Sign Emily
This mansion is haunted as you might tell, but the kittens are free and will not sell(23) haunted house Allie
I keep my marbles in a jar, so I may lose them not, I got my brain from someone else, and their memory wasn’t hot.(24) Stuffed Frankinstien's Monster Emily
No bones about it these spicy kittens are muy bueno(25) Dios de la Muerta cat s&p shakers Libby
Flitter flutter or scream.(26) Fairy skeleton Allie
What am I?
I have no arms nor legs
My tail spirals around
unlike my brethren
I don't gallop on ground(27)
Seahorse Emily
Captain Caveman was here
and left something behind
he just texted me for this thing
he wants you to find.(28)
Club Allie
In the Nightmare Before Christmas, what is the name of the Pumpkin King who rules Halloween?(29) Jack Skellington Allie
You’ll find this artist among the colors of fall
Painting the happiest trees of them all(30)
Bob Ross Minature Allie
Proud as can be
that’s how we'll stay
facing each other
but looking away.(31)
Peacocks Allie
Where can you see when Frankenstein Died(32) Frankenstein's Tombstone Allie
Even diosaurs have a sweet tooth(33) Trick n treat triceratops Allie
If there is a Friday the 13th in October, what day of the week is Halloween on?(34) Tuesday Allie
A dapper fella
dressed like vintage decor
Moustached and orange
His hat I adore(35)
Bowler Hat Pumpkin Libby
Divici's Minotaur(36) Divici's Minotaur Allie
Blackjack of flying rats(37) 21 bats on wall Allie
My face is associated with death.
But the spirits inside with fun.
Consume me in small quantities is best.
Too much of me and you're done.(38)
Crustal Skull Allie
Well worn from my battle
I choose here to lie
Rest my head awhile
To get some shut eye(39)
Skeleton Soldier Allie
Bumble bumble
You can find thee
Amongst the flowers
I will be(40)
Light up Bee Hive Terri
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, how much did the heaviest pumkin weigh?(41) Heaviest Pumpkin Allie
Steph's Chrewing Gum(42) Amy and Steph Blanket Allie
How do you treat a pumpkin with a boo-boo?(43) Pumpkin Patch Allie
Remember, rip it roll it and punch it(44) Squirt Allie
Gallows not required
a nice tall tree will work
The rope is all set
for the next law breaking jerk
Noose -
Who are guests at the Monster Mash Halloween Party?(46) Dracula and Wolfman Allie
Around the table
Be careful not to sneaze?
Kindly ask the ghosts
"Pass the pepper, please."(47)
Salt & Pepper Ghosts -
The favorite place in the kitchen for skippers little buddy(48) Kitchen Island Allie
This house is full of creepy crawlies
I am no exception
But unlike most others
I'm apart of a selection
We have a sheen of gold
A luster so bright
I am known for my jumps
And reaching new heights(49)
Golden Grasshopper Allie
I see things afar
From the moons to the stars
My secrets revealed
When my eye is unsealed
Telescope Allie
Metalic Gridiron(51) Electric Football Field Allie
Where'd that other hand come from? And why is it touching my globe?(52) 3 Handed Globe Allie
What did Charlie Brown and Linus wait for?(53) The Great Pumkin Allie
The Enchanted World(54) The Enchanted World Book -
Once made of fire now shadow and Bone
I hang in my cage watchful but alone(55)
Black Dragon in Cage -
Weapon from the land of the rising sun(56) Katana Allie
I have three, but like Michael Jackson, I only wear one at a time.(57) Baseball Gloves Allie
Double, Double toil and trouble
Fire burns and cauldron bubbles
You'll find me standing over standing watch over my brew.(58)
Witch with cauldron -
Don't look, I beg you!
for I am nude.
I may be a ghost
But that's still quite rude.(59)
Ballon with no bag -
I'm not a kettle nor a pot but I'm definitely black(60) Black cauldron supply Allie
According to Rotten Tomatoes, what is the scariest movie of all time?(61) The Exorcist Allie
Where's Perry?(62) Perry Allie
If you are offerd this fruit be wary to not start a war(63) Golden Apple Allie
I blink, I flash
I flicker really bright
I protect unsuspecting drivers
from dangers in the night(64)
Construction Light -
Which vampire just loves junk food?(65) Count Snackula Allie
For What Holiday Did Amy Party(66) For What Holiday Did Amy Party -
In Twilight what year did Edward Cullen become a vampire?(67) 1918 -
As a crimefighter he is very opinionated about color and 'only works in black or very very dark grey(68) Lego Batman -
Who am I?
My body is small
Ears to big for me
I hide in plain sight
Besides my worst enemy(69)
Lego Mouse -
Trouble may cross
when I'm flashing red
ignore me and proceed
you may end up dead(70)
Railroad Lights -
What Day Is All Saint's Day(71) November 1 -
A caw from above
"The murder is here!"
Obsidian wings fly
Towards the chandelier
Crows -
Pitiful Pumpkin Patch(73) Giant Wooden Pumkins -
Speak no evil
Hear no evil
See no evil(74)
See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil Skulls -
This actress made her major film debut along side Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt in Interview With A Vampire.(75) Kirsten Dunst -
Happy Hallows Eve Calendar(76) Happy Hallows Eve Calendar -
Though the window
you may see
this house of worship
Church in a Window -
While I may just be bones I've decided to go for a swim!(78) Scuba Skeleton -
Jason Was Dressed To Stop One Of These(79) Hockey Puck -
Apart from my friends
No need for alert
You'll notice my wink
I'm a bit of a flirt(80)
Ghost in Oasis -
How do you say goodbye to a vampire?(81) So Long Sucker -
This girl was not so clever.(82) Blue raptor trophy -
Skin and fins are what I wish, to cover the bones of this old fish(83) Skeleton Anglar Fish -