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Fantasy HOF
For an NFL player to be eligible for the Fantasy HOF, he must finish in the top ten in yardage at his position in a single season. Only players that meet this first criteria are tracked for HOF consideration.
HOF Points
Fantasy HOF
Fantasy points are calculated for all eligible players for every season of their career. HOF points are awarded for players who finish the season at the top of their position. Top ten for QB, TE, K and Defenses, Top 20 for RB and WR.
Total HOF Points
Fantasy HOF
During a players career, he continues to accumulate HOF points. Because the HOF is stats based, modern players can earn HOF induction while still active.
Fantasy HOF
Fantasy and HOF points are accumulated for defenses the same as for players. Because there is always a defensive unit, criteria for individual defensive units is based on consecutive years as a top ten defense. A defense must be top ten for three consecutive years before being eligible for the HOF.
Vinny Testeverde Rule
Fantasy HOF
There are other factors built into the formula. For example, players who do not finish in the top ten (or twenty) at their position are penalized. This is the Vinny Testeverde rule, who would have been a HOF because of his long career, despite rarely being a top level QB.
Fantasy HOF
The first year, and initital class of two players per position were inducted into the HOF. Going forward, two players, with no more than one from any position, will be inducted during the preseason. Induction will be based on total HOF points as of the end of the prior season.
TFFL Player Induction
TFFL Players
The same HOF points system is used for TFFL players. But the rankings are limited to season the TFFL played. No players prior to 1995 will be eligible. Because of the reduced number of players, only two players will be inducted each preseason.
TFFL Owner HOF Points
TFFL Owners
TFFL Owners earn HOF points based on how their teams perform each season. Points are awarded for each game win, playoff season, division championship, POY, TOY and league championship. The points system is an escalating scale, with the most points awarded for league championships.
TFFL Owner Induction
TFFL Owners
To be eligible for the HOF, and owner must complete five seasons in the league. Each preseason, one owner will be inducted into the TFFL HOF, based on total HOF points as of the end of the previous season.
TFFL Team Points
TFFL Teams
The TFFL HOF also recognizes the greatest teams in league history. The formula for this is similar to the owner points system, but also incorporates points scored and winning streak to differentiate teams.
TFFL Team Induction
TFFL Teams
Each preseason, one or two teams will be inducted. Whether one or two teams are inducted depends on the margin in HOF points between the teams. If the teams are close, two teams will be inducted.
Criteria are listed for the Fantasy Hall of Fame first, then for the Tailgaters Hall of Fame.